Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Sunday Age is Boring

So I dragged in my copy of The Sunday Age today, even though it was a little wet and had a skim. However, I'm afraid that I continue to be uninspired by the paper. While Chris Berg entertained me for a while, his arguments all seem to come from the same place. It's hard to express exactly what that place is, but it has stopped interesting me. But there wasn't even that today, there weren't even letters devoted to shredding his neoconservative arguments. The first few letters were about an article on John Brumby, but the letters page quickly descended into a farce of Christians arguing amongst themselves over who is the fairest Christian of them all. Apparently there is a 'Progressive Christian Network of Victoria' - this is the first I've heard of them, maybe they were founded to write dull letters to Sunday papers.

There was a reasonable article on the etymology of the word 'lesbian', but that's about as far as the interesting went. Perhaps all the interesting writing is to be found through my RSS feeds rather than a sunday paper?

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