Sunday, July 13, 2008

'Catholic League' Attacks Academic Freedom

On July 8 Scienceblogger, PZ Myers responded to a news story about someone trying to take a consecrated Eucharist out of a Church here. In response, 'The Catholic League' opened up a letter-writing campaign against him. PZ Myers has requested support and friends such as Richard Dawkins are asking for support for him as well.

It was only 12 hours ago that there was a protest outside Parliament House here in Melbourne against World Youth Day, the big Catholic activist festival. The 'Youth Against World Youth Day' protest is reported by the Herald Sun to have attracted about 150 people. Anti-WYD protestors carried placards and worse shirts with slogans such as 'Blasphemy is not a crime', 'Gay is Okay!', 'Pope is wrong! Put a condom on!' and 'Human rights, not religious rites.'

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