Monday, September 29, 2008


I've been so busy and away that I've missed multiple editions of Honi Soit and haven't done all that much. Amy was wondering about how the UMSU elections went so here is the rundown:

A win for StandUp! and the broader left with StandUp! taking all of its Office-Bearer positions, winning contests against both right-wing opponents and against fellow left-wing ticket Activate (who were contesting President). Independent Media retains control of the Media Office, following a strong contest from Activate. The Liberals have made a strong showing, picking up three seats on Students' Council.

However, the broad left retains control of Students' Council with:
3 Activate , 2 Socialist Alternative and one Green Thumbs (Paul Coats is former SA), 1 each for Independent Media and More Activities and a strong showing from StandUp! taking 3 positions and an additional position with Make it Cheap!.

Now for the fun story. The Young Liberals nominated former International House Students' Club President Joe Zhang for International Representative on Students' Council, who received the most votes but was found to not actually be an international student and was disqualified. Lovely.

Also, Honi Soit covers the issue of independent student media, including coverage regarding the left faction Activate and Farrago.

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