Thursday, April 17, 2008

As in Sydney...

I've been looking through different student publications online. I came across 'Honi Soit' and found some all-too-familiar content in the President's report of their 16/4/08 edition.

University of Sydney SRC President Kate Laing:

I personally believe that censorship should not be conducted when it comes to student newspapers, because free speech and diverse debate and opinions should be embraced. Similarly if students can’t be controversial with their ideas in a campus publication written by and for students then where can they be?

But, under the heading sexism, she writes:

Within the constitution of the SRC there are guidelines that restrict what can be censored, and that is anything criminal or discriminatory.

She continues:

What I am disappointed by is how disconnected the editors have made themselves from the organisation that funds their publication, and will publish sexist remarks that openly undermine the good work of collectives and passionate fellow students.

What a coincidence that at the same time, both UMSU and the University of Sydney SRC are having the same problems with their respective newspapers.

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